The journey to Santa Fe was incredible. My husband John and I had a wonderful time getting there, and you can read all about that in Bikes & Beers in Santa Fe Part 1. But, in this case, it’s all about the destination. We came to attend the Santa Fe Mountain Fest, and we were […]
Bikes & Beers in Santa Fe Part 1
Road trips have become a crucial part of life for my husband and me. They hold the promise of adventure, unridden trails, and beer not yet tasted. In looking for a new destination to visit, we stumbled on the Santa Fe Mountain Fest, an outdoor event that combines the love of bikes, trails, beer, music, […]
New Glarus Brewing Company
If you’re looking for some thorough backstory on exactly how and why I wound up on the doorstep of one of the finest breweries in America, check out the three-part post on my Midwest road trip (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3). New Glarus Brewing Company deserves a post all its own and labeling […]
A Brewery Here, A Beer Bar There – Midwest Edition Part 3
Yes, I still have more to say about my recent road trip to the Midwest. If you missed out on the first two parts, then you’re shit outta luck. Just kiddin’. Click here for Part 1, and here for Part 2. Now, where were we? It wasn’t so much the “where”, but the “when” that […]
At the Edge of the World
For a century, the community known as Short Creek, has been home to the FLDS Church (Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints), a sect that broke away from the mainstream LDS church when it stopped practicing polygamy. This group of polygamists has lived in the Utah/Arizona border towns of Hildale and Colorado City […]
Cedar City’s Policy Kings
Like many small, southern Utah towns, Cedar City may be living behind the times. The population of 29,000 has just two bars, but as of six months ago, they now also have a brewery. Policy Kings, owned and operated by husband and wife team, Deandre and Sara Ridgel, opened its taproom doors November 2, 2018. […]