I have long been told the GABF experience is more than the sessions in which thousands of people lose themselves in a massive room, 1 ounce at a time. The majority of my 2016 and 2017 experiences included attending every session, with a few stops around Denver breweries and bars to supplement. This year, the […]
From Bine to Stein: Park City’s Hops Hunters Harvest
These helping hands of Park City, Utah, under the auspices of the Summit Land Conservancy, brought in the harvest of local wild hops to make this year’s version of Wasatch Brewery’s Clothing Hoptional, a limited edition “wet hop” beer. Not only are these hops picked fresh just hours before being added to the brew, they’re […]
Get ’em While They’re Wet!
The majority of hops used in the brewing industry are pelletized, meaning the hops have been processed and squished down into little, green, rabbit-food-lookin pellets. This compressed version of hops is much easier to store and use than hops in their natural whole cone form. But who said easier was better? One season a year, […]
Hello, Grisette, Pleased to Meet You!
I recently received an introduction to the beer style, grisette, courtesy of Salt Lake’s newest brewery, Toasted Barrel. While the style has been gaining some popularity in the craft beer scene for the past few years, it was my first encounter. When I asked the brewer what it was, he explained, “It’s like a saison […]
Spalter Bier – The Only Beer In The World!
As they say in Spalt, Germany… “In Spalt, in Spalt, dou wern di Leit gor alt; sie kenna nix dafier, dös macht ös goute Bier”** Roughly translated: The people in Spalt grow old because of the good beer, meaning they owe their good health and ability to age well to this nutritious beverage. I wouldn’t expect […]
Seminar Experience: 2018 Big Beers Festival Edition
I wanted the last beer festival of my 20s to be a good one, and the Big Beers Fest in Breckenridge, CO did not disappoint! My last post, The 2018 Big Beers, Belgians & Barleywines Festival Experience, detailed my foray into the high altitude fest weekend, but this one will dig into the tasty tidbits […]